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Amazon Selling Partner API
Amazon Selling Partner API

Automated data pipelines for FBA sales, fulfillment, finances, fulfillment, Inventory, and many others

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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a week ago

Amazon announced the Selling Partner API as the successor of the long-established MWS APIs in 2020. The Selling Partner API reflects a modern framework for accessing Amazon retail systems.

The Selling Partner API is actually comprised of dozens of use case-specific APIs. For example, there is an API for Reporting, which has child API endpoints for over a dozen report types. There are APIs for Orders, Finance, Fulfillment, and many others. The key takeaway is that while it is called the "Selling Partner API", it actually reflects a very broad and deep technical integration ecosystem of hundreds of API endpoints.

Lastly, the Amazon Advertising API is separate from the Selling Partner API. The dedicated Amazon Advertising API, which we also integrate, offers a number of APIs for Sponsored Ads, Attribution, and DSP data.

Amazon Migration Guide

If you are currently using MWS, migrating to the SP-API is required by Amazon. This doc highlights the overall MWS to SP-API migration timing per Amazon:

Amazon Selling Partner vs MWS Integrations

The new Openbridge Orders, Inbound Fulfillment, and Finance API integration with SP-API mirror the legacy MWS integrations.

The most significant departure between SP-API and MWS can be found in Reporting. While the SP-API and MWS Reporting API share underlying report definitions, there is a significant difference in the APIs' mechanics.

What is changing with MWS Reporting?

The initial Openbridge approach to reporting with MWS was to package access to all functioning reports in a single connector called "Advanced Reporting". Unfortunately, the scope of the integration consistently faced limitations given Amazon's legacy MWS Reporting API. While we were able to work within and manage those constraints, the system was complex and difficult to maintain due to documented and undocumented limits on the API.

Migrating from MWS to SPI-API

Openbridge is taking the opportunity with an SP-API release to recast the legacy MWS Advanced Reporting integration. This will take the SP-API Reporting API and create five distinct report-type groupings. These integration groupings are specifically aligned with Amazon-defined groupings.

New SP-API Reporting Connectors

With SP-API we are more closely following how Amazon is defining report categories. This will result in 5 new SP-API reporting connectors compared to a single MWS Advanced connector. Here are five new SP-API Reporting API integration connectors:

  1. Sales Connector

  2. Fulfillment (Real-Time) Connector

  3. Inventory Connector

  4. Inventory (Real-Time) Connector

  5. Fees Connector

Each new connector is a separate, stand-alone integration aligned with an Amazon-defined category of reports. These connectors are further defined by data availability. By data availability, we mean the rate at which Amazon makes data available, where data is available, and the limits they place on how frequently data can be requested. For example, Amazon makes certain reports available once a day, so requesting them more frequently will fail and cause Amazon to restrict API requests. There are other reports available more frequently as snapshots. For example, there is a report that supports "near real-time" (hourly) frequency for inventory.

Whether the reports are daily or "real-time", the connectors are highly optimized for the types of reports being requested. Not only does this improve performance, but it also increases consistency that a request for data will be honored by the API. It also reduces operational costs by supporting targeted updates and enhancements.

Note: Even with the new SP-API Reporting API, like MWS, there are still reports that exhibit unique behaviors and system restrictions. It is not uncommon for these restrictions to be undocumented. Any "TBD" has not been released pending further testing.

Getting Started: Setting Up New SP-API Connectors

If you are currently using any legacy MWS connector, you will need to activate a new SP-API connector that aligns with the desired reporting outputs:

  1. If you were using MWS Real-time Orders -> then activate Orders API

  2. If you were using MWS Finances -> then activate Finance API

  3. If you were using MWS Warehouse (Inbound Fulfillment) -> then activate the Inbound Fulfillment API

  4. MWS Settlements -> Amazon Pay Settlement Reports

As stated previously, MWS Advanced and Basic Reporting have been realigned into 5 distinct SP-API Reporting API data feeds. As such, you select only the ones that are most relevant to your data needs:

  1. Sales Connector

  2. Fulfillment Connector

  3. Inventory Connector

  4. Inventory (Real-Time) Connector

  5. Fees Connector

Reporting API (FBA Business Reports)

The Reporting API provides preset, Amazon-defined FBA business reports. These reports provide data to help you track how your business is performing. For more details on the various report types detailed below, see Amazon's docs.

Amazon Sales Connector

Information on both FBA and seller-fulfilled orders, including order status, fulfillment, sales channel information, and product details. The reports are provided at a DAILY interval as defined and made available by Amazon.

Amazon Fulfillment (Real-Time) Connector

Hourly product-level details on completed customer orders, including purchase price, quantity, tracking, and shipping information.

Amazon Inventory Connector

Get details on listing details, including condition, disposition, and quantity. Inventory also includes information about the inventory you have shipped to fulfillment centers, including the quantity, status, location, and disposition. Units in your inventory that are in stranded and reserve status. The reports are provided at a DAILY interval as defined and made available by Amazon.

Amazon Inventory (Real-Time) Connector

Hourly data feeds for the listing, condition, disposition, and quantity inventory, including archived listings.

Amazon Fees Connector

Daily feeds for various fee types are charged by Amazon.

Amazon Pay: Settlement Reports Connector

Payments reports help you understand your account activity by providing a detailed breakdown of transactions during a given settlement period. For your seller account to be settled, it must have had activity during the settlement period and either a positive or zero account balance. Referral fees and refunds can affect your balance.

The report leverages the Amazon recommended v2 data. For more details on Settlement Reports, see Amazon Settlement Reports.

Orders API

The Orders API offers two primary data feeds, orders and order items.

  1. orders

  2. order items

Inbound Fulfillment API

The API delivers data about inbound shipments of inventory to Amazon's fulfillment network. This API delivers two primary data feeds;

  1. inbound shipments

  2. inbound shipment items

Finance API

The Finances API delivers a series of financial transaction data feeds relevant to a seller's business. This allows sellers to obtain financial events without having to wait until a statement period closes (see Amazon Pay Settlement Reports). For more on this, see the Amazon Finance API Data Pipelines doc.

Restricted Data

The Selling Partner API places restrictions on access to PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Special permission is required from Amazon to be able to make API calls using Restricted Data Token (RDT). The RDT authorizes calls to restricted operations that correspond to the PII resources. The following are a few examples of "restricted" reports by Amazon, requiring special approval from Amazon to access:






If you require access to PII, please reach out to Openbridge support to engage our professional services team.

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