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Amazon Fees Connector

Amazon Selling Partner API data integration for Fees Reports

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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a week ago

Amazon Fees Connector delivers reports for various fee types charged by Amazon. Reports include estimated monthly inventory storage fees for each ASIN of a seller's inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers. It also contains the seller's open listings, the price and estimated referral fees for each SKU, and inventory reimbursements, including the reason for the reimbursement.

The following report types are included:





The reports are provided at a DAILY interval as defined and made available by Amazon. Some reports may only be requested once in a 24-hour period. If you have requested a report via another tool or manually, this can block us from collecting data.

Note: Monthly Storage Fees report (GET_FBA_STORAGE_FEE_CHARGES_DATA) is only available monthly. Per Amazon, the report is generated between the 10th and 18th day of each month. For example, there will be no reports for March 2023 until April 10th - 18th, 2023. As a result, the cadence for this report type will have an increased latency compared to other reports. Also, data is aggregated to the month, not by day. For example, the report does not contain the date for March 13, 2023, but each record will have a date of month and year. This is present in a month-of-charge column, which will have a value like 2023-04.

Lookback Schedules

Please note that we use a LOOKBACK schedule for FEES Reports for days 7, 14, and 35 from the current date. This means on July 30th; we are requesting July 23rd, July 13th, July 23, and June 25th. As a result, any back updates Amazon may have made to older data would be updated. While we request older data, it may be possible that there is no new data to load for a given date.

See De-duplication and dealing with updates over a long time horizon for guidance on how to query this data.

Amazon Fees leverages the Amazon Reporting API for the report types listed above. This API provides preset, Amazon-defined FBA business reports. For more details on the various report types, see Amazon's docs.

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