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Amazon Notifications API SQS Configuration
Amazon Notifications API SQS Configuration
Openbridge Support avatar
Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a month ago

You need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to utilize Amazon Notifications. Amazon Selling Partner API requires the use of AWS. Specifically, Amazon requires that stream notifications be sent to an AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) endpoint. This endpoint is where Openbridge will process your campaign data sets and load them to your configured data destination.

While using AWS may seem daunting, don't worry! We have simplified and automated the entire process. These steps can be completed in about 5 minutes.

To set up the Amazon Notifications, follow these detailed directions:

Create an AWS Account:

If you do not have an AWS account, go to and create one. If you have an account, log in.

Configure an AWS Account:

  • Log in to your AWS account.

  • Download the Openbridge Amazon Notifications API CloudFormation template. This template will automate the configuration of your AWS account for Amazon Notifications API and complete your setup with CloudFormation as required.

Create a CloudFormation Stack

Go to "CloudFormation" in your AWS account and create a stack with new resources (standard).

Create stack

Specify stack details

In this step, you will need to provide a Stack Name and a Pipeline Name. These names must be unique for each Seller or Vendor account you configure. Below is a example naming convention:

  • Stack Name: [account-name]-notification-[version-number]

  • Pipeline Name: [account-name]-notification-pipeline-[version-number]

For example, if your Seller account is ABC_Seller, you could use:

  • Stack Name: ABC_Seller-notification-001

  • Pipeline Name: ABC_Seller-notification-pipeline-001

Important Considerations:

  • Uniqueness: Each stack is specific to a Seller or Vendor account. Ensure you use a distinct name for each account to avoid conflicts.

  • Pipeline Name Usage: The pipeline name is used for AWS resources like S3, Firehose, and SQS, ensuring data segregation and smooth functionality.

  • Versioning: If you are setting up Amazon Notifications for another Seller Central account or creating additional subscriptions, use versioning to differentiate each setup. For example:

    • Stack Name: XYZ_Seller-notification-002

    • Pipeline Name: XYZ_Seller-notification-pipeline-002

New Subscriptions Require a New Stack

Each CloudFormation (CF) stack generates unique SQSQueueArn and S3NotificationsQueueArn, tied to a single subscription. These ARNs cannot be reused for new subscriptions.

For every new subscription, you must create a new stack by repeating the CF template process. This ensures each subscription has its own dedicated resources.

💡 Always generate a new stack for each subscription—resource reuse is not supported.

Refer to the image below for guidance. Once you've entered the details, select "Next" to proceed.

Configure Stack options

You can skip the page. Leave everything default. Select "Next"

Review Your Configuration

The last step is to complete the configuration and run your stack. At the bottom of the page, select "Submit"

CloudFormation Events

After submission, you will set the workflow automatically and complete several steps. If you see your status with CREATE_COMPLETE as a status, everything is ready!

Copy Your AWS Role ARN

  1. Select "Outputs" of created stack.

  2. Copy the "SQSQueueArn" and "S3NotificationsQueueArn" values and store them somewhere safe on your computer. The ARNs will look like the following examples:

  • SQSQueueArn: arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789101:openbridge-pipeline-001-queue

  • S3NotificationsQueueArn: arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789101:openbridge-pipeline-001-s3-notifications-queue

These ARNs are needed by Openbridge to automate the configuration of the remaining Amazon Notification API resources on your account.

You are all set!
Log into your Openbridge account with your "SQSQueueArn" and "S3NotificationsQueueArn" in hand and continue finalizing the activation of the Amazon Notifications API by using these credentials, as shown in the image below.

Note: SQS queues can only be used once, per pipeline. You must repeat the steps detailed for each Seller or Vendor account you want to activate Notifications datasets.

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