You need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to utilize Amazon Notifications. Amazon Selling Partner API requires the use of AWS. Specifically, Amazon requires that stream notifications be sent to an AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) endpoint. This endpoint is where Openbridge will process your campaign data sets and load them to your configured data destination.
While using AWS may seem daunting, don't worry! We have simplified and automated the entire process. These steps can be completed in about 5 minutes.
To set up the Amazon Notifications, follow these detailed directions:
Create an AWS Account:
If you do not have an AWS account, go to and create one. If you have an account, log in.
Configure an AWS Account:
Log in to your AWS account.
Download the Openbridge Amazon Notifications API CloudFormation template. This template will automate the configuration of your AWS account for Amazon Notifications API and complete your setup with CloudFormation as required.
Create a CloudFormation Stack
Go to "CloudFormation" in your AWS account and create a stack.
Select "
Template is ready
"Specify the Amazon Notifications API Cloud Formation template as "
Amazon S3 URL
" and enter this URL: "Next"
Specify Task Details
In this step, you will enter a stack name. You can use "openbridge-amazon-notification-api-001
Tip: If you want to set up Amazon Notifications for another Seller Central account, make sure to version the name like this:"openbridge-amazon-notification-api-002
Select Next
Configure Stack options
You can skip the page. Leave everything default. Select Next
Review Your Configuration
The last step is to complete the configuration and run your stack. At the bottom of the page, select "Submit"
CloudFormation Events
After submission, you will set the workflow automatically and complete several steps. If you see your status with CREATE_COMPLETE
as a status, everything is ready!
Copy Your AWS Role ARN
Select "Outputs" and copy the Role ARN somewhere safe on your computer. The ARN will look like this;
The RoleArn
is what Openbridge needs to automate configuring the remainder of the Amazon Notification API resources on your account.
You are all set!
Log into your Openbridge account with your Role ARN in hand and continue finalizing the activation of the Amazon Notifications API.