The Amazon Advertising API provides Sponsored Ad recommendations to optimize advertiser accounts. These recommendations encompass a wide range of strategies aimed at enhancing ad visibility and performance.
Advertisers can receive a daily export report that provides advice on creating new campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and audience targets, as well as tips on optimizing existing elements. This includes updates to bidding strategies, campaign budgets, campaign end dates, placements, and various status updates based on performance metrics. Additionally, there are specific recommendations for incorporating negative keywords and audience targets to refine ad targeting and reduce unwanted traffic.
These suggestions collectively aid advertisers in navigating the Amazon advertising landscape more effectively, ensuring campaigns are competitive, relevant, and efficient.
Available Recommendations
Recommendation_type | Description |
NEW_CAMPAIGN | Create new campaigns to increase visibility |
NEWVIDEOCAMPAIGN | Create new video campaigns to increase visibility |
NEWADGROUP | Create new ad groups to increase visibility |
CAMPAIGNBIDDINGSTRATEGY | Update the bidding strategy to win at auction |
CAMPAIGN_BUDGET | Update the campaign budget to remain active |
CAMPAIGNENDDATE | Update the end date of the campaign |
CAMPAIGNTOPPLACEMENT | Make adjustments to compete for top of search placements |
CAMPAIGNPRODUCTPLACEMENT | Make adjustments to compete for product page placements |
CAMPAIGN_STATE | Update status of the campaign based on performance |
NEWCAMPAIGNBIDDING_RULE | Create bidding rules for specific campaigns |
CAMPAIGNBIDDINGRULE | Update existing bidding rules |
NEWCAMPAIGNBUDGET_RULE | Create new budget rules for holidays and sales events |
CAMPAIGNBUDGETRULE | Update budget rules for holidays and sales events |
ADGROUPSTATE | Update status of the agroup based on performance |
ADGROUPDEFAULT_BID | Update ad group bid values to win at auction |
ADGROUPBID_OPTIMIZATION | Update ad group bid optimization strategy to improve engagement |
NEW_KEYWORD | Create new keywords to increase visibility |
KEYWORD_BID | Update bids for each keyword to win at auction |
KEYWORD_STATE | Update status of keywords based on performance |
NEWNEGATIVEKEYWORD | Create new negative keywords to reduce unwanted traffic |
NEGATIVEKEYWORDSTATE | Update status of negative keywords based on performance |
NEWPRODUCTAD | Create new product ad to increase visibility |
PRODUCTADSTATE | Update status of the product based on performance |
NEWPRODUCTTARGETING | Create new product targets to increase visibility |
PRODUCTTARGETINGSTATE | Update status of the product target based on performance |
PRODUCTTARGETINGBID | Update bids for each product target to win at auction |
NEWNEGATIVEPRODUCT_TARGETING | Create new negative product targets to reduce unwanted traffic |
NEGATIVEPRODUCTTARGETING_STATE | Update status of the negative product target based on performance |
NEWAUDIENCETARGETING | Create new audience targets to increase visibility |
AUDIENCETARGETINGSTATE | Update status of the audience target based on performance |
AUDIENCETARGETINGBID | Update bids for each audience target to win at auction |
NEWNEGATIVEAUDIENCE_TARGETING | Create new negative audience targets to reduce unwanted traffic |
NEGATIVEAUDIENCETARGETING_STATE | Update status of the negative audience target based on performance |