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Frequently Asked Questions for SP-API Vendors Reports
Frequently Asked Questions for SP-API Vendors Reports
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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a week ago

Q: Why is Lost Buy Box Price (LBB Price) unavailable in API 2.0 reports?

A: LBB (Price) is no longer supported by the Amazon Retail Pricing team, and an LBB metric will not be provided in the vendor retail analytics report types until an effective replacement metric is available. An alternative metric is currently in development, but there is no specific timeline for sharing that metric externally.

Q: Why aren’t Conversion and Average Sale Price (ASP) included in reporting?

A: Conversion and ASP are derived metrics that can be calculated using other provided ones. Use the following equations to calculate these metrics:

- Conversion: Ordered Units / Glance Views

- ASP (Average Sale Price): Shipped Revenue / Shipped Units

Q: Are Warehouse Deals sales included in metrics?

A: No, vendor retail analytics report types do not include Warehouse Deals in reported metrics. Since proceeds from Warehouse Deals sales are not collected by the vendor, these transactions are not accounted for. Note that the internal tools retail partners use may include Warehouse Deals sales. To determine if Warehouse Deals sales are included in your internal metrics, contact your retail partners.

Q: How are Glance Views (GVs) calculated?

A: Glance Views (GVs) can vary based on the reporting tool used and the specific inputs or filters applied to those metrics. For example, Advertising may track impressions and clicks to evaluate the effectiveness of an ad directing the shopper to the shelf (i.e., all detail page views). In contrast, the data in vendor retail analytics report types track customer traffic directed to a detail page where retail is the featured offer, and the vendor has the opportunity to convert a sale. GV metrics may vary across reporting tools.

Q: What if the purchase orders I receive from Amazon do not align with the unit forecast I see in the forecasting data?

A: The forecasting data provides a forecast for customer demand, not a promise of purchase orders. Customer demand forecasts offer visibility into expected customer demand for a given product, aiding manufacturers in making informed production and inventory decisions.

Q: What is the difference between the distributor view: MANUFACTURING and the distributor view: SOURCING?

A: The manufacturing view shows data for Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) of items manufactured by you, regardless of who sourced the products to Amazon. The sourcing view only shows data for ASINs of items sourced directly from your vendor group.

Q: Which Amazon selling programs do the selling program: RETAIL include?

A: Amazon RETAIL includes data from Amazon Retail, Amazon Business, and Amazon Fresh.

Q: Will vendors still be able to receive and confirm their Purchase Orders (POs) through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

A: Yes, after June 30, 2022, the Sales and Inventory Report (X12 852, EDIFACT SLSRPT) and Forecast Report (X12 830, EDIFACT DELFOR) EDI transactions will no longer work. However, other EDI transactions such as Purchase Order (X12 850, EDIFACT ORDERS), Purchase Order Acknowledgement (X12 855, EDIFACT ORDRSP), Advanced Shipment Notification (X12 856, EDIFACT DESADV), or other transactions will still be available. Vendors can manage all supply chain messages via EDI but must utilize vendor retail analytics report types for reporting needs. Alternatively, vendors can migrate other EDI messaging to API as well. Refer to the Selling Partner API Developer Guide for additional information on migrating EDI messaging to API report types, including purchase order management.

Q: How long does it take for vendors to onboard to SP-API and vendor retail analytics reports?

A: Openbridge offers a code-free, fully-automated solution that takes about 5 minutes to activate. However, if you want to build out a solution yourself the total onboarding time will vary by vendor, but the development effort for vendor retail analytics report onboarding is approximately 4-5 development weeks. The onboarding process includes the following:

1. Initial SP-API setup (1-2 weeks) as documented in the Selling Partner API Developer Guide.

2. Building and testing REST clients for SP-API (1 week). Development time can be shortened by using a pre-built library.

3. Periodic fetching of SP-API reports, uploading to a client-owned destination, and any necessary JSON conversions (1 week).

4. Data migration to Redshift, data loading (1 week).

Q: How can vendors disable their EDI sales and/or forecasting integration?

A: No action is required to disable EDI sales and forecasting integration. After June 30, 2022, the Sales and Inventory Report (X12 852, EDIFACT SLSRPT) and Forecast Report (X12 830, EDIFACT DELFOR) EDI transactions will no longer be published.

Q: Where can vendors get additional support for questions about SP-API integration?

A: For additional questions on vendor retail analytics report types, refer to the SP-API documentation or Contact Us (Contact Us > API Integration > API Services).

Q: Why are we migrating from API 1.0 to 2.0?

A: Data differences between external API and internal retail reporting have been a significant pain point for vendors and retail stakeholders. The migration from API 1.0 to 2.0 aligns the shared data between API report types and internal retail reporting tools. By transitioning to API 2.0 report types, we are migrating to a new data source, achieving data parity with internal retail reporting.

Q: What are the benefits of the new API 2.0 report types compared to API 1.0?

A: The transition to API 2.0 report types provides the following benefits:

- Source data parity: The new source data for API 2.0 report types is now the same source used by Amazon retail category teams and the retail analytics dashboards in Vendor Central.

- Expanded historical daily data: Daily historic data increases from 13 months to 3 years, offering vendors increased visibility into their business historically.

Q: When will the API 1.0 reports be retired?

A: Starting July 6, 2022, the legacy API 1.0 reports will no longer be available.

Q: Why are some metrics in API 1.0 report types no longer available in API 2.0 report types?

A: Some metrics available in the legacy data source supporting API 1.0 report types are not available in the new data source powering API 2.0 report types. If you have a specific business use case for a metric no longer available in an API 2.0 report type, share your feedback at

Q: Why don't I see an Out of Stock Metric in the API 2.0 report types?

A: To align with the out-of-stock metric retail teams use, the Replenishable OOS (Rep OOS) metric is being replaced with Procurable Product OOS (Retail OOS or ROOS). ROOS will be added to the GET_VENDOR_INVENTORY_REPORT in Q3 2022. While Rep OOS considers only Replenishable ASINs, ROOS considers Procurable ASINs.

Q: Why is inventory data not available at daily granularity in API 2.0?

A: With the new data source, not all inventory metrics are available at the daily granularity. Reports are only provided at the lowest shared granularity of all metrics. Therefore, for the short term, a daily grain inventory report cannot be provided without removing metrics that are only available weekly. Metrics are only available weekly, including: `sellThroughRate`, `unhealthyInventory`, and `unhealthyUnits`. The feasibility of providing the inventory report at a daily granularity in the future is being evaluated.

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