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Amazon Sales & Traffic Reports Glossary
Amazon Sales & Traffic Reports Glossary
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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a week ago

The following glossary is supplied by Amazon to help you understand various data points they offer in various Business reports.



Attributed Featured Offer percentage

Featured Offer percentage for the ASIN. If this item is in a variation relationship, this will be the total page views for both.

Attributed Page Views

Page views for the ASIN. If this item is in a variation relationship, the visit counts as a page view for the child ASIN only.

Average Offer Count

The average number of offers listed for sale in a particular time period. Calculated from the total number of offers and the total number of days in the time period.

  • For weekly and monthly reports, this is the average number of offers over all days in the selected time period.

  • For daily reports, this figure is the total number of offers created on that particular day.

Average Sales per Order Item

The average sales per order item are calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total order items.

Average Selling Price

The average price of the units sold is calculated by dividing the ordered product sales by the total units for the selected time period.

Average Units per Order Item

The average number of units per order item is calculated by dividing the number of units by the number of orders for the selected time period.

Featured Offer percentage

The percentage of page views where the Featured Offer (the "Add to shopping cart" link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart. This percentage will be less than 100% if the page view occurred when:

  • The product was out of stock.

  • The Featured Offer would result in the customer purchasing from another seller.

  • Your product was not available for purchase using the Featured Offer.

For example, if the product's condition is "Used" and shows up on the "Other buying options" page.

This is not necessarily an indication of the availability of your product for purchase. It only reflects whether your product would be purchased by a customer by clicking the Featured Offer when they viewed that page.

This metric is available both in aggregate across your items and by SKU and ASIN.

Creation Date

Corresponds to the creation date for the SKU variation theme.


A standard 24-hour day, from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 PT.

Feed Type

The name of the type of feed you submitted, such as Inventory, Pricing, Product Relationships, and so on.


Indicates whether there is an image on the product detail page. Use Manage Inventory to view whether a seller has submitted an image for a product. The product detail page may still show an image if a different seller wins the Featured Offer.


The standard calendar month, is of varying length, depending on the month.

Number of Feeds

The number of feeds that you submitted in the last week for a particular feed type.

Order Item Session Percentage

The order item session percentage is calculated by dividing the total order items by the number of distinct session counts for the selected time period.

Ordered Product Sales

The number of ordered product sales is calculated by multiplying the price of order items and the number of units sold for the selected time period.


The number of distinct orders you received in a selected time period. Does not reflect orders subsequently canceled or altered.

Page View Percentage

The percentage of page views that a particular SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of page views for all products. The total number of page views is determined by the time period you select.

Page Views

Visits to your offer pages for a selected time period (a session). A user may view your offer pages multiple times within a single time period, resulting in a higher number of page views than sessions.

When a child ASIN is visited, it does not also count as a visit to the parent ASIN. Additionally, a storefront or browse node visit does not count as a page view.

When viewing the "Detail Page Sales and Traffic" report, page views are summed only for days when there was sales activity on the ASIN.

When viewing the "Detail Page Sales and Traffic by Child Item" report, page views are summed for the entire date range, regardless of sales activity.

Product Description

Indicates whether there is a description on the product detail page. Use Manage Inventory to view whether a seller has submitted a product description for an item. The product detail page may show a description if a different seller wins the Featured Offer.

Product Features

Indicates whether there are feature bullet points on the product detail page for this item. Use Manage Inventory to view whether a seller has submitted features for an item. The product detail page may show features if a different seller wins the Featured Offer.

Product Sales per Order

The average order size for a selected time series. Determined by dividing the ordered product sales by the number of orders for a selected time period.


Q1: January 1 - March 31

Q2: April 1 - June 30

Q3: July 1 - September 30

Q4: October 1 - December 31


The total number of records that you submitted in all feeds for a particular feed type.

Same Day Last Year

Calculated by identifying the week of the year (for example, week 14) and comparing the same day of the week (for example, Wednesday). Week 1 starts with the first week of the year containing at least four days. Defined according to ISO standards.

Same Week Last Year

Calculated by identifying the number of the week of the year (for example, week 14) and comparing it with that same week of the previous year. Week 1 starts with the first week of the year containing at least four days. Defined according to ISO standards.

Session Percentage

The percentage of sessions that contain at least one-page view for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of sessions for all products. The total number of sessions is determined by the time period you select.


Visits to your Amazon product detail pages by a customer within a 24-hour period. (See also "Your Amazon Presence" below.)

A user might view your pages many times on a single visit, resulting in a higher number of page views than sessions in your reports.

A storefront or browse node visit by a user is not counted as a session in Business Reports.

When viewing the "Detail Page Sales and Traffic" report, page views are summed only for days when there was sales activity on the ASIN.

When viewing the "Detail Page Sales and Traffic by Child Item" report, page views are summed for the entire date range, regardless of sales activity.

Total Order Items

The total number of order items ordered for the selected time period.Note: An order can have multiple order items, and each order item can have multiple units.

Unit Session Percentage

The number of units purchased relative to the number of customers who viewed the products. Calculated by dividing the number of units by the number of sessions for a selected time period, and then expressed as a percentage.


The number of products sold in a specific time period.

For example, if a customer buys 2 copies of 1 product in the same order, it counts as 2 units.

Units Ordered

The number of individual units or items ordered. For example, 3 copies of Book A and 4 copies of Book B are 7 units ordered.

Variation Theme

Sets the parent/child relationship by defining how related products differ from each other.


Seven days, from Sunday 00:00:00 to the following Saturday 23:59:59 PT.


A standard calendar year, from January 1 to December 31.

Your Amazon Presence

The product detail pages display the inventory, price, and availability information provided by you so that the product can be purchased from you on Amazon.

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