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Amazon Vendor Central Retail Analytics
Amazon Vendor Central Retail Analytics
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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Amazon Vendor Central Retail Analytics connector reflect contains sales performance metrics such as ordered product sales, revenue, units ordered, and claim amount, as well as glance view metrics.

The following Vendor reports are supported;

  1. Vendor Sales Report

  2. Net Pure Product Margin Report

  3. Vendor Traffic Report

  4. Vendor Forecasting Report

  5. Vendor Inventory Report

While it provides separate reports, the API will use different dimensions to offer different outputs per report. The data is organized in the following primary tables/views:

  • sp_vendor_forecasting_report

  • sp_vendor_inventory_manufacturing_report * (DAY)

  • sp_vendor_inventory_sourcing_report * (DAY)

  • sp_vendor_inventory_manufacturing_week_report * (WEEK)

  • sp_vendor_inventory_sourcing_week_report * (WEEK)

  • sp_vendor_net_pure_product_margin_report

  • sp_vendor_sales_manufacturing_report

  • sp_vendor_sales_sourcing_report

  • sp_vendor_traffic_report

* Per Amazon, Inventory reports were only available weekly. However, there are now DAY reports available. At the moment, we are supplying both DAY and WEEK.

The following report types, as defined by the API, are the source of the data:







Vendor report timing is characterized by latency. Despite our daily data requests, a report may not be generated due to the unavailability of the reporting period. According to Amazon, data can be delayed by as much as 72 hours following the closure of a period and, in some cases, up to a week. For instance, if a reporting period concludes at the end of Saturday, the earliest the report will be accessible is Wednesday. Consequently, Inventory reports and any other weekly reports, for instance, those closed at the end of Saturday, October 4th, will not be available until at least Wednesday, October 8th.

Wednesday, October 8th, not Saturday, October 4th, is the first possible date the data may be available. However, the report data may not be available in the API until October 8th, 9th, 10th, or longer. This is why we perform LOOKBACKs (see below).

Per Amazon: The SLA for the weekly reporting periods (for example, Saturday datasets) is the end of the day Monday, 48 hours after the close of the period. The SLA for non-Saturday daily reporting periods is 72 hours after the close of the period. Refreshed data is available 72 hours after the close of the period. For example, weekly data (Sunday through Saturday dataset) is available by the end of the day on Tuesday. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated.

The SLA for the weekly reporting periods (for example, Saturday datasets) is the end of the day on Monday, 48 hours after the period's close. The SLA for non-Saturday daily reporting periods is 72 hours after the period's close. If you request a report for a reporting period that is not yet available, the report will not be generated and processingStatus for the report will be FATAL.

Report Latency

Here are two examples for Sales and Net PPM, the current date being May 4th, yet the most recent date of data availability being May 1st. This example shows a 48-hour availability after the May 1st period close.

Here is another example of a DAILY Inventory report. The current day is June 1; however, the most recent DAILY data is May 29th.

Lookback Schedules

Due to the latency of changes at Amazon, as previously described, we use a LOOKBACK schedule for Vendor Retail Analytics 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, and 30 days from the current date. This means on July 30th, we are requesting July 28th, July 27th, July 26th, July 23rd, July 16th, and June 30th. As a result, any back updates Amazon may have made to older data would be updated. While we request older data, it may be possible that there is no new data to load for a given date.

See De-duplication and dealing with updates over a long time horizon for guidance on how to query this data.

Vendor Retail Analytics leverages the Amazon Reporting API for the report types listed above. For more details on the report types detailed above, see Amazon's docs.

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