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How To Setup Amazon Redshift Data Destination
How To Setup Amazon Redshift Data Destination
Openbridge Support avatar
Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over a week ago

The following describes the steps and inputs needed to configure a Redshift storage location within your Openbridge account. The process is simple and quick, only requiring minimum information need to be able to connect and write data to your instance.

Step 1: Openbridge Storage Name

This is a label that you provide so you can uniquely identify this database in Openbridge. Some customers may have multiple databases so labeling each will help you identify the system you want us to deliver data into.

Step 2: Setup A Schema

We expect a schema to be present in Redshift called openbridge. This is the schema we will write data into. If you are unsure how to do this, we have a step-by-step guide with pre-built queries you can run to pre-configure all of this! See Configuring Your Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse Environment | Openbridge Help Center

Step 3: Whitelist Openbridge IP

You’ll need to add our IP addresses else we will not be able to connect to your cluster.

The first step is to log into your AWS account. Navigate to the Security Group Management page, typically Services > Compute > EC2.

Click the Security Groups option, under Network & Security in the menu on the left side of the page.

Click Create Security Group. The window will look like this. We need to fill out all the values

In the Create Security Group interface, fill in the fields as follows:

  • Security group name: Enter a unique name for the Security Group. For example Redshift-Openbridge

  • Description: Enter a description for the security group. For example: Openbridge whitelisted IPs

  • VPC: Select the VPC that contains the Redshift cluster you want us to connect

Note: The Security Group and database must be in the same VPC, or the connection will fail.

Select the Inbound tab and then Add Rule. Fill in the Inbound fields as follows:

  • Type: Custom TCP

  • Port Range: 5439 (if you set a custom port, enter that value. 5439 is the default)

  • Source: Custom and enter the IP

Click Add Rule to add an additional Inbound rule for IP address and

You should have two rules for and When finished, click Create to create the Security Group.

Step 4:  Name Of Database

This is the name of the Redshift database you want Openbridge to use. 

Step 5:  Host And Port

Enter the host (or IP) address as well as the port. To get this information open the Redshift console. In the left menu, click Clusters and the select the cluster you want to use as a data destination.

There is an Endpoint field, that contains two important pieces of information, the HOSTNAME and the PORT. You will want to make a note of the HOSTNAME (or IP address) and the PORT number.

For reference, the HOSTNAME will look something like this:


The PORT will be appended to the end of the HOSTNAME like this:

  • 5439

Step 6:  User and Password

Supply the user and password that Openbridge should use to authorize connections to your system.

Configuring Redshift

The Configuring Your Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse Environment | Openbridge Help Center guide will walk you through different commands you can run to make sure that Redshift is set up correctly with the required schema, users, and permissions.

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