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Data Schemas, Types and Definitions
Data Schemas, Types and Definitions
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Written by Openbridge Support
Updated over 6 years ago

Below are the various integration definitions, schemas and data types for each third party data source. Unless stated otherwise, we collect data on a daily schedule to comply with various API terms of services as well as ensuring we achieve data quality thresholds.

Facebook Page Insights

With direct access to Facebook Page Insights data you can build a deeper understanding of your community and closer relationships with your customers.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Facebook Page Insights layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from Facebook Page Insights API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits Facebook places on API calls.  

    Please Note
    :  When we call for Facebook Page Insights data we are requesting data for 5 days in the past. For example,  we make a request on 1/6/2018 to the API for data dated 1/1/2018. Why the delay? While Facebook states that "most metrics will update once every 24 hours" we have found this to be highly variable.  We have found that the data takes longer to "settle" in the Facebook Insights system.

    If we call more aggressively, Facebook returns NULL or empty values for metrics. When this occurs we have no way to determine if a NULL or empty value is the result of there being no activity on a page or that the truth had not been settled by Facebook for a metric. Supplying this unsettled data can disrupt reporting by providing in accurate or misleading data.  For us we have seen that 5 days is the safe window to ensure we are getting everything. Yes, we are making a trade-off of recency for accuracy and consistency. If Facebook moves to a guaranteed delivery model where they state ""all metrics are updated at least once every 24 hours" then we will adjust our processing timing!

Facebook Marketing

Two billion people use Facebook every month to connect with friends and family and to discover things that matter. Marketing data from Facebook helps you understand the insights to find new customers and build lasting relationships with existing ones.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Facebook Marketing layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: Daily for the prior days data

Instagram Business IQ

The Instagram Business IQ data bridge allows you to discover what drives your interactions within your Instagram community. Identify your best media and understand how it is being engaged with.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Instagram Business IQ layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from Instagram API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits Instagram places on API calls.

Instagram Stories

The Instagram Stories data bridge allows you to discover how your community is engaging with your stories within the 24 hour period after they posted.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Instagram Stories layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect stories data from the Instagram API on an hourly basis and store the most recent data. 

YouTube Channel Insights

Discover what drives your video content use on your channel. Identify how your subscribers react to new and existing content. Discover patterns or trends that inform content optimization and performance.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for YouTube Channel Insights layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from the YouTube Analytics API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits YouTube places on API calls.

YouTube Video Insights

Understand how your content correlates with users’ behavior tapping deeper into video data. Discover patterns or trends that inform content optimization and performance.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for YouTube Video Insights layout and elements

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from the YouTube Data API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits YouTube places on API calls.  Due to the variability in data availability we request data for the past 7 days each day. 

YouTube Video IQ

Track your competitors’ video performance data to see if their content drives engagement and adjust your YouTube strategies to stand out from the competition.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from the YouTube Data API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits YouTube places on API calls.

YouTube Audience IQ

Get better understanding of your audience. Easily retrieve data points about your subscribers’ channels including comment count, subscriber count and google plus related account.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for YouTube Audience IQ layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from the YouTube Data API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits YouTube places on API calls.

YouTube Competitor

Track your competitors’ channel data to get insight about how you perform and adjust your video content strategies to stand out from the competition.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for YouTube Competitor layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data from the YouTube Analytics API once a day. This ensures we are within the limits YouTube places on API calls.

Google Analytics 360

Get deeper understanding of your user activity through simple, direct access to a fully automated pipeline of Google Analytics 360 sessions data direct to Amazon Redshift. Let the data drive decisions on how to optimize ongoing customer engagement and performance.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Google Analytics 360 layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. For example, a request to Google Analytics 360 on July 3rd would return data for July 2nd. This ensures you have completed daily views for each reporting period. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Google Adwords

Get deeper understanding of your paid search efforts through simple, direct access to paid advertising data from Google Adwords. Let the data drive decisions on how to optimize ongoing search campaign and keyword performance.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. For example, a request to Google Adwords Reporting API on July 3rd would return data for July 2nd. This ensures you have completed daily views for each reporting period. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account with minutes of the data of arriving.

Salesforce Email Studio

Get complete access to subscriber, campaign and performance data and let it drive decisions on how to optimize ongoing prospect and customer engagement.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Salesforce Email Studio layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data based on your scheduling preferences in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud console. For example, you schedule a job in ExactTarget which runs at 2AM EST to deliver all “click” data for the prior day. This means on data delivered at 2AM on July 10th will contain all the click data for July 9th.

Salesforce Advertising Studio

Unlock Advertising Studio data to understand customer, spend, and social advertising performance. Assess, model, explore and drive customer engagement and maximize your investments in paid social advertising.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Salesforce Advertising Studio layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: Delivery time is between 2AM and 6AM EST. The typical approach is to deliver data for the prior day activity. This means on data delivered at 2AM on July 10th will contain all the Advertising Studio data for July 9th. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Google DoubleClick Search

Empower your brand to find new pathways to make smarter, more informed decisions. Optimize ongoing search campaign and keyword performance with the data from DoubleClick Search

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for DoubleClick Search layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. For example, a request to DoubleClick Search API on July 3rd would return data for July 2nd. This ensures you have completed daily views for each reporting period. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Google DFA Reports

Define the reports in DoubleClick Campaign Manager and we will deliver them to your own private data warehouse.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for a sample DoubleClick DFA Report layout and elements.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. For example, a request to Google DFA Reporting API on July 3rd would return data for July 2nd. This ensures you have completed daily views for each reporting period. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Adobe Data Warehouse

  • Data Definitions: Adobe Data Warehouse Reports data is tailored to your report builder queries. As a result there is no standard layout. Our system will automatically detect the custom layout and use it to define your table in your data warehouse. We have provided a sample layout here

  • Delivery Time: The delivery schedule is something you can setup in Adobe. Adobe delivers once a day. Data for each day is delivered after it is processed, typically in the early AM hours. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Adobe Clickstream

The Adobe Clickstream data bridge allows you to extract clickstream data residing in Adobe Analytics system.

  • Data Definitions: Clickstream data can be very wide with over 500+ columns. There are also collections of helper files to support browser, devices, etc. lookups. 

  • Delivery Time: Adobe delivers once a day. Data for each day is delivered after it is processed by Adobe, typically in the early AM hours. The data may arrive from Adobe as a single zipped file, or in multiple zipped files each containing approximately 2 GB of uncompressed data. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

  • Developer Docs: For detailed Adobe Clickstream technical specifications, please refer to Adobe documentation

NCR Aloha Point of Sale

Powerful consumer purchase and loyalty behavioral data direct from NCR Aloha POS

  • Delivery Time: The frequency we collect the data from Aloha is configurable. In many cases the frequency most select is daily. We are happy to discuss options related to the frequency of data retrieval. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Sizmek Ad IQ

Sizmek Ad IQ delivers comprehensive access to your campaign and advertising performance data.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. We collect data for the prior day’s activity. For example, a request on July 3rd would return data for July 2nd. More frequent requests could result in partial or no responses from Sizmek for the requested metrics. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

  • Developer Docs: Check out Sizmek docs for more details about Sizmek MDX Trafficking API.

Movio Cinema

Movio Cinema data bridge unleashes the full potential of your data. Tap into member, click, campaign, and segment data to inform decisions on how to optimize prospect and customer engagement strategies.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day. Movio provides data for the prior day’s activity. For example, when we request data on July 3rd Movio would return data for July 2nd. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

Marin Data Passback

Marin Software is an online advertising platform to measure, manage, and optimize ad spending across the web and mobile devices. The Data Passback service exports reporting data to an SFTP server from Marin. Openbridge will process this data to your data warehouse.

  • Delivery Time: We collect data once a day based on Marin schedules, typically before 8AM. The data is typically loaded into your Openbridge account within minutes of arriving.

  • Data Definitions: Take a look at our data definition docs for Marin Data Passback layout and elements.

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