Whether you are using or just trying out Domo, business intelligence and data visualization tool, you need to connect it to your data. In this article, we will walk you through the process of connecting Domo to Amazon Redshift, the data warehouse where Openbridge is streaming your data from various data sources.
How to get more value out of Domo’s platform
Domo is a reporting and dashboarding tool that provides a ton of native connectors (over 350). Those connectors might not always serve all your needs. For example, when you connect to Adobe Analytics, it will show you basic metrics but won’t allow you to get into a granular level of detail.
What if you wanted to use Domo with Adobe Clickstream or Google Analytics 360 data? This is where you turn to external partners like Openbridge and Amazon Redshift. The great news is Domo allows you to connect Domo to Redshift through their native connector which provides a powerful path to tap into data outside the Domo ecosystem.
A step-by-step guide to connecting Domo and Redshift
The following is a guide showing you how to connect Domo to Amazon Redshift. If you have not worked with Amazon Redshift you can take a look at the product overview here. The data experts at Openbridge can also help guide you through this process if you want to explore it more deeply.
Step 1: Select
Choose “Amazon Redshift” from the list of data connectors:
Select Amazon Redshift
Step 2: Credentials
When you select a database, you will be asked to create an Amazon Redshift data set. Select your AWS account:
Enter your credentials
Select the newly created account under “Credentials”. It should show up in the drop-down like this:
Select your Redshift account
Once you select your account Domo will show you the “Details” section
Step 3: Details
This is when you select what you want to query in Redshift. You will be presented with the available tables in your selected database. In this example, we selected the openbridge.fbm_ad
table. Domo will then show you all the columns available with the table. Select the ones you are interested in. You will also need to provide a SQL query for Domo to use in the “Query” field
Enter details
In our example, we are going to select all the available columns. Here is the SQL query that we pasted into the “Query” field:
SELECT account_id, account_name, ad_bid_amount, ad_bid_info, ad_bid_info_actions, ad_bid_info_clicks, ad_bid_info_impressions, ad_bid_info_reach, ad_bid_info_social, ad_bid_type, ad_configured_status, ad_created_time, ad_effective_status, ad_id, ad_last_updated_by_app_id, ad_name, ad_status, ad_updated_time, ads_action_stats_1d_click, ads_action_stats_1d_view, ads_action_stats_28d_click, ads_action_stats_28d_view, ads_action_stats_7d_click, ads_action_stats_7d_view, ads_action_stats_action_type, ads_action_stats_field, ads_action_stats_value, adset_id, adset_name, app_store_clicks, call_to_action_clicks, campaign_id, campaign_name, canvas_avg_view_percent, canvas_avg_view_time, clicks, cost_per_estimated_ad_recallers, cost_per_inline_link_click, cost_per_inline_post_engagement, cost_per_total_action, cost_per_unique_click, cost_per_unique_inline_link_click, cpc, cpm, cpp, ctr, date_start, date_stop, deeplink_clicks, frequency, impressions, inline_link_click_ctr, inline_link_clicks, inline_post_engagement, newsfeed_avg_position, newsfeed_clicks, newsfeed_impressions, ob_date, ob_file_name, ob_modified_date, ob_processed_at, ob_transaction_id, objective, reach, relevance_score_negative_feedback, relevance_score_positive_feedback, relevance_score_score, relevance_score_status, social_clicks, social_impressions, social_reach, social_spend, spend, total_action_value, total_actions, total_unique_actions, unique_clicks, unique_ctr, unique_impressions, unique_inline_link_click_ctr, unique_inline_link_clicks, unique_link_clicks_ctr, unique_social_clicks, unique_social_impressions, website_clicks FROM openbridge.fbm_ad;
Step 5: Scheduling
Once you are done with credentials and details, you will need to schedule data delivery:
Schedule data delivery
Step 6: Configuration Complete!
Once you have complete credentials, details, and schedule you should see everything checked and ready to go:
Completed setup
The next step is creating some reports!
Step 7: Design Your Reports
Now you are ready to build your first visuals!
First visual in Domo using data from Redshift
First visual in Domo using data from Redshift
Step 8: Save, Publish and Share
After you created a visual, hit the orange “Save” button in the upper right corner. You will be redirected to the “Overview” tab from which you will be able to share your content with your team.
Visuals overview
That’s it! Connecting Domo to Amazon Redshift opens new opportunities to explore data outside of the Domo ecosystem. This allows your team new avenues to take advantage of the Domo platform by bringing outside data into the mix.